
The Palestine yearbook of international law 1994-95

عدد النسخ: 1 opac.numberofloanedcopy : 0 opac.numberofcopyforloan : 1
رقم التسجيلة 12663
نوع المادة book
رقم الطلب 341.2/9/095694 pal
العنوان The Palestine yearbook of international law 1994-95
بيانات النشر Nicosia, Cyprus: Al-Shaybani Society of International Law, c1984-
الوصف المادي v.xi : 25 cm

Editor: 1984- Anis F. Kassim Published: The Hague, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 1994/1995-2000/2001; Leiden, The Netherlands : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2002/2003- Latest issue consulted: Vol. 13 (2004/2005)

المواضيع Law - Palestine - Periodicals
Palestinian Arabs - Legal status, laws, etc. - Israel - Periodicals
International Law - Palestine
Palestine - International status - Periodicals
الأسماء المرتبطة Kassim, Anis F
Shaybani Society of International Law
Jأ¥ami ʼat Bأ¥ir Zayt